Database Changes After Liferay Object Layout
Created: 27 January 2025 Modified:What data changes occur when adding a new layout to a Liferay object. Created new Rock and Mineral objects and then added layouts. This information was added by administrator user Test Test with email Keep in mind that Liferay doesn’t enforce referential integrity in the database. Instead it is “enforced” in the code.
Many tables have columns classNameId and classPK. These act as a psuedo foreign key to the ClassName_ table. The ClassName_ table basically references Java classes. These Java classes have associated database tables. ClassPK contains an identifier that references a row in the table. This seems to be used to add levels of abstraction for second order relationships.
The following tables were modified.
- ObjectLayout
- 2 records inserted.
- Primary key is objectLayoutId.
- Excerpt of inserted records
objectLayoutId name 32039 <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?><root available-locales=”“en_US”” default-locale=”“en_US””><Name language-id=”“en_US”“>RockLayout</Name></root> 32045 <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?><root available-locales=”“en_US”” default-locale=”“en_US””><Name language-id=”“en_US”“>MineralsLayout</Name></root>
- ObjectLayoutTab
- 2 records inserted.
- Primary key is objectLayoutTabId.
- Excerpt of inserted records
objectLayoutTabId objectLayoutId name 32041 32039 <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?><root available-locales=”“en_US”” default-locale=”“en_US””><Name language-id=”“en_US”“>Add Rock</Name></root> 32052 32045 <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?><root available-locales=”“en_US”” default-locale=”“en_US””><Name language-id=”“en_US”“>Fields</Name></root>
- ObjectLayoutBox
- 2 records inserted.
- Primary key is objectLayoutBoxId.
- Excerpt of inserted records
objectLayoutBoxId objectLayoutTabId name 32042 32041 <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?><root available-locales=”“en_US”” default-locale=”“en_US””><Name language-id=”“en_US”“>Name</Name></root> 32053 32052 <?xml version=’1.0’ encoding=’UTF-8’?><root available-locales=”“en_US”” default-locale=”“en_US””><Name language-id=”“en_US”“>Fields</Name></root>
- ObjectLayoutRow
- 2 records inserted.
- Primary key is objectLayoutRowId.
- Excerpt of inserted records
objectLayoutBoxId objectLayoutBoxId 32043 32042 32054 32053 32056 32053
- ObjectLayoutColumn
- 2 records inserted.
- Primary key is objectLayoutColumnId.
- Excerpt of inserted records
objectLayoutColumnId objectFieldId objectLayoutRowId 32044 31995 32043 32055 32019 32054 32057 32032 32056
- Audit_AuditEvent
- 14 records inserted.
- Primary key is auditEventId.
- Excerpt of inserted records
auditEventId eventType className classPK 32040 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayout 32039 32046 UPDATE com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayout 32039 32047 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutTab 32041 32048 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutBox 32042 32049 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutRow 32043 32050 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutColumn 32044 32051 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayout 32045 32058 UPDATE com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayout 32045 32059 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutTab 32052 32060 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutBox 32053 32061 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutRow 32054 32062 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutColumn 32055 32063 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutRow 32056 32064 ADD com.liferay.object.model.ObjectLayoutColumn 32057
Diagram is only showing the relationships most relevant.
tags: java - liferay ce - liferay - ce - mariadb - fedora - 41 - fedora 41 - linux - object layout - object - layout - 7.4