Database Changes After Adding Liferay Site
Created: 16 December 2024 Modified:What data changes occur when a Site is added to Liferay. In the database sites are stored in the Group_ table.
This information was added by administrator user Test Test with email Keep in mind that Liferay
doesn’t enforce referential integrity in the database. Instead it is “enforced” in the code.
Many tables have columns classNameId and classPK. These act as a psuedo foreign key to the ClassName_ table. The ClassName_ table basically references Java classes. These Java classes have associated database tables. ClassPK contains an identifier that references a row in the table. This seems to be used to add levels of abstraction for second order relationships.
Tables that were changed after adding the Site “All About Rocks”.
- Group_
- Table to store site data.
- Row added for account All About Rocks.
- GroupId was 32925.
- Foreign key userId has value 20123. This references the Adminstrator account that added the data.
- ClassNameId was 20029 which points to com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Group in the ClassName_ table.
- ClassPk was 32925 which self referentially points to itself.
- AssetEntry
- Table to store asset relationships.
- Primary key is entryId and ctCollectionId.
- EntryIds had values 32973, 32967, 32941, 32935 and 32926.
- One row was added for All About Rocks site.
- Four rows were added for layouts.
- All five rows are associated using ClassNameId and ClassPK.
- Layout
- Table to page data. Layouts are effectively web pages in Liferay.
- Primary key is plId and ctCollectionId.
- Plids had values 21, 20, 19 and 18.
- All four groupIds had value 32925.
- These represent four error pages. Two 500 and two 404.
- One 500 and one 404 layout were self referential using ClassNameId and ClassPK.
- In the interface these are classified as Utility Pages.
- SegmentsExperience
- Two rows containing default SegmentsExperience entries.
- Primary key is segmentsExperienceId and ctCollectionId.
- SegmentsExperienceId had values 32961 and 32929.
- Plids had values 20 and 18.
- GroupIds had value 32925.
- SegmentEntryIds had value 0.
- FragmentEntryLink
- Primary key is fragmentEntryLinkId and ctCollectionId.
- FragmentEntryLinkId had value 32987, 32986, 32985, 32984, 32983, 32978, 32977, 32976, 32975, 32974, 32955, 32954, 32953, 32952, 32951, 32946, 32945, 32944, 32943 and 32942.
- All twenty groupIds had value 32925.
- SegmentsExperienceIds had values 32961 and 32929. 10 rows for each SegmentsExperience.
- FragmentEntryIds had value 0.
- ClassNameId and ClassPK point to the above layouts. 5 fragment links for each of the four layouts.
- FriendlyURLEntry
- Table to store human readable URL data.
- Primary key is friendlyURLEntryId and ctCollectionId.
- FriendlyURLEntryIds had values 32972, 32966, 32940 and 32934.
- GroupIds had value 32925.
- FragmentEntryIds had value 0.
- ClassNameIds were 31694 which points com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Layout-false.
- ClassPKs point to the above layouts with values 21, 20, 19 and 18.
- FriendlyURLEntryLocalization
- Table to store human readable URL data for various languages.
- Primary key is friendlyURLEntryLocalizationId and ctCollectionId.
- FriendlyURLEntryLocalizationId had value 304, 303, 302 and 301.
- GroupIds had value 32925.
- FriendlyURLEntryIds had values 32972, 32966, 32940 and 32934.
- ClassNameIds were 31694 which points com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Layout-false.
- ClassPKs point to the above layouts with values 21, 20, 19 and 18.
- FriendlyURLEntryMapping
- Table to store human readable URL data for various languages.
- Primary key is friendlyURLEntryMappingId and ctCollectionId.
- FriendlyURLEntryMappingId had value 32971, 32965, 32939 and 32933.
- FriendlyURLEntryIds had values 32972, 32966, 32940 and 32934.
- ClassNameIds were 31694 which points com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Layout-false.
- ClassPKs point to the above layouts with values 21, 20, 19 and 18.
- LayoutFriendlyURL
- Table to store human readable URL data for various languages.
- Primary key is layoutFriendlyURLId and ctCollectionId.
- LayoutFriendlyURLId had value 32970, 32964, 32938 and 32932.
- Plids were values 21, 20, 19 and 18.
- LayoutPageTemplateStructure
- Primary key is layoutPageTemplateStructureId and ctCollectionId.
- LayoutPageTemplateStructureIds had values 32990, 32981, 32958 and 32949.
- GroupIds had values 32925.
- Plids were values 21, 20, 19 and 18.
- LayoutPageTemplateStructureRel
- Primary key is lPageTemplateStructureRelId and ctCollectionId.
- LPageTemplateStructureRelId had values 32991, 32982, 32959 and 32950.
- LayoutPageTemplateStructureIds had values 32990, 32981, 32958 and 32949.
- SegmentsExperienceIds had values 32961 and 32929.
- GroupIds had values 32925.
- LayoutUtilityPageEntry
- Primary key is LayoutUtilityPageEntryId and ctCollectionId.
- LayoutUtilityPageEntryId had values 32960 and 32928.
- Plids had values 20 and 18.
- GroupIds had values 32925.
- PortletPreferences
- Primary key is PortletPreferencesId and ctCollectionId.
- PortletPreferencesId had values 32993 and 32992.
- PortletIds were value com_liferay_product_navigation_product_menu_web_portlet_ProductMenuPortlet.
- Plids had values 1 and 0.
- GroupIds had values 32925 and 0.
- PortletPreferences
- Primary key is PortletPreferencesId and ctCollectionId.
- PortletPreferencesId had values 32993 and 32992.
- PortletIds were value com_liferay_product_navigation_product_menu_web_portlet_ProductMenuPortlet.
- Plids had values 1 and 0.
- GroupIds had values 32925 and 0.
- SystemEvent
- Primary key is systemEventId and ctCollectionId.
- This data appears to have been ephemeral and was gone after 24 hours.
- SystemEventId had values 32947, 32956, 32979 and 32988.
- GroupIds were value 32925.
- Plids had values 1 and 0.
- ClassNameIds were 28981 which points
- ClassPKs point to the above template structures with values 32936, 32930, 32968 and 32962.
- UserGroupRole
- Primary key is userGroupRoleId and ctCollectionId.
- UserGroupRoleId had value 101.
- GroupId had value 32925.
- RoleId had value 20112. Site Owner Role.
- UserId had value 20123. Test Test admin user.
- Users_Groups
- Primary key is groupId, userId and ctCollectionId.
- GroupId had value 32925.
- UserId had value 20123. Test Test admin user.
Diagram is only showing the relationships most relevant.
tags: java - liferay ce - liferay - ce - mariadb - fedora - 41 - fedora 41 - linux - site