Liferay Configure Auto Deploy Directory
Created: 9 March 2016 Modified:The Liferay auto deploy directory can be configured using the property “auto.deploy.deploy.dir” and it can be configured in the PortalPreferences table. You can find the appropriate record by running the following query.
PortalPreferences query
select * from PortalPreferences where ownerId=0
Once you find the correct record you will wan to edit the preferences column. Below is an excerpt of content of the column showing the configuration of the auto deploy directory.
Excerpt of preference column content
<?xml version="1.0"?>
The database overrides the file. A situation I found myself in is that I changed the name of the Liferay root folder. This resulted in the auto deploy directory not being found. I was unable to start Liferay because I was in the middle of an upgrade. I set the property in the file but it was still pointed to the old directory. Thus the need to update the record in the database to point to the new location.
tags: liferay - auto - deploy - directory - 6.1 - 6.2