Java Web Application Memory Leak
Created: 6 January 2016 Modified:Recently a Java Web Application on which I work ran out of memory and had to be restarted. We have monitoring tools but not ones that are helpful identifying the source of a memory leak. Working for a large organization with an established bureacracy my options were quite limited. After some research the only available option was to use the “jmap” command line utility that comes with the JDK. This discussion assumes that you have access to the computer/server on which the Java application server is running.
To follow along you will need an application server preferrably with a web application deployed to the server. You will need a current version of the JDK instlled. In my setup I am running Liferay Portal on a Tomcat 7 application server using JDK 8. These instructions should work with any Java base application server. From a high level view it is a simple process.
- Start your application server
- Find the pid for the application server
- Run jmap against the pid
As a developer I have multiple versions of the JDK installed on my workstation. The first time I ran jmap I received the following error. This was due to using Oracle JDK 8 to run the server and the OpenJDK 8 being in my path. This was easily resolved by running the jmap from the Oracle JDK installation.
Terminal window in mysecurity directory
bash-4.3$ jmap -histo:live 12345
Error attaching to process: sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMVersionMismatchException: Supported versions are 25.65-b01. Target VM is 25.45-b02
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException: sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMVersionMismatchException: Supported versions are 25.65-b01. Target VM is 25.45-b0
Jmap can provide you with an overview of the heap which is useful for tuning garbage collection and a histogram listing objects memory usage from most to least. I will provide an example of the first but our focus will largely be on the second.
jmap -heap 22340
bash-4.3$ ./jmap -heap 22340
Attaching to process ID 22340, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Server compiler detected.
JVM version is 25.45-b02
using parallel threads in the new generation.
using thread-local object allocation.
Concurrent Mark-Sweep GC
Heap Configuration:
MinHeapFreeRatio = 40
MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70
MaxHeapSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB)
NewSize = 134217728 (128.0MB)
MaxNewSize = 134217728 (128.0MB)
OldSize = 939524096 (896.0MB)
NewRatio = 2
SurvivorRatio = 8
MetaspaceSize = 16777216 (16.0MB)
CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB)
MaxMetaspaceSize = 4294963200 (4095.99609375MB)
G1HeapRegionSize = 0 (0.0MB)
Heap Usage:
New Generation (Eden + 1 Survivor Space):
capacity = 120848384 (115.25MB)
used = 62650520 (59.748191833496094MB)
free = 58197864 (55.501808166503906MB)
51.84224887938924% used
Eden Space:
capacity = 107479040 (102.5MB)
used = 49281184 (46.998199462890625MB)
free = 58197856 (55.501800537109375MB)
45.85190191501525% used
From Space:
capacity = 13369344 (12.75MB)
used = 13369336 (12.749992370605469MB)
free = 8 (7.62939453125E-6MB)
99.99994016161152% used
To Space:
capacity = 13369344 (12.75MB)
used = 0 (0.0MB)
free = 13369344 (12.75MB)
0.0% used
concurrent mark-sweep generation:
capacity = 939524096 (896.0MB)
used = 17592173835622 MB
free = 12802787843112 (1.2209689944374084E7MB)
-1362588.609863179% used
69485 interned Strings occupying 6458400 bytes.
Information such as the ratios, Eden space and New Generation space can be used to tune your JVMs garbage collection. JVM tuning is outside the scope of this article. Java Performance Tuning delves into the subject quite thoroughly.
jmap -heap 22340
bash-4.3$ ./jmap -histo:live 22340 | more
num #instances #bytes class name
1: 1540727 159689648 [C
2: 61031 71410712 [B
3: 2486669 59680056 java.util.HashMap$Node
4: 147882 32565744 [Ljava.util.HashMap$Node;
5: 1528219 24451504 java.lang.String
6: 257708 22678304 java.lang.reflect.Method
7: 279874 5420832 [Ljava.lang.Class;
8: 128250 5130000 java.util.HashMap
9: 152320 4874240 java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry
10: 110241 4750624 [Ljava.lang.Object;
11: 74052 4739328 java.lang.reflect.Field
12: 78133 4375448 java.util.LinkedHashMap
13: 140261 3366264 java.util.Hashtable$Entry
14: 147399 2876032 [Ljava.lang.String;
15: 30736 2647576 [I
16: 25009 2552912 java.lang.Class
17: 85499 2051976 java.lang.ref.WeakReference
The “:live” part of the command only displays objects that are still being referenced. This will be more useful for diagnosing my memory leak. As we can see the objects taking up the most memory are “[C”. What is this class? It turns out this is documented in the Java API documents under Class.getName(). A copy of which is provided below.
Class.getName() type codes
Element Type | Encoding |
-------------------|--------- |
boolean | Z |
byte | B |
char | C |
class or interface | Lclassname; |
double | D |
float | F |
int | I |
long | J |
short | S |
Characters taking up most of the space is believable since the JVM stores Strings as character arrays in memory. This will be most useful if you take a snapshot when your application is running normally. Then when something goes wrong you will have a baseline for comparison.
tags: tomcat - performance - java - jmap - memory leak